» Allowing people “outside” to take part
in my art world “in here” also animates me. «




– Old Pumping Station, MANNHEIM NECKARAU –

The neo-Gothic brick building was designed by city architect Richard Perrey and built in 1903. The pumping station was closed in 1986 and left to ruin until 2001, when Brixy purchased the property and transformed it into his home and atelier.


Essay by Volker Lehmkuhl, Catalogue “Discover Brixy”
2014 (Edition BRAUS, Hrs. J. Krieger):

Inspiration inbegriffen

» This island of the blessed, shielded from everyday life and yet porous for the world, is both the starting point and the end point of an impressively powerful creation of the self, (…). The place determines the painting. The painting animates the place. «

Dr. Ulrike Lorenz, President of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar