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17.12.2024 - 19.01.2025

Baden Art Association

Every year, the members' exhibition at the Badischer Kunstverein reflects the diversity of the Karlsruhe art scene.

As a former graduate of the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe, the artist Dietmar Brixy has maintained close ties with the fan-shaped city and its institutions, as well as the Badischer Kunstverein, for many years.

The Badischer Kunstverein was founded in 1818 and is the second oldest art association in Germany. The Badischer Kunstverein e.V. is a non-profit and registered association based in Karlsruhe, which is dedicated to the mediation of contemporary art.


Since 1900, it has occupied the building at Waldstraße 3 in the centre of the city, which was built especially for its purposes. Since its foundation, it has presented a stringent programme for the mediation and promotion of contemporary art on three floors and approx. 1,000 square metres of exhibition space. Once a year, works by artists are presented as part of the members' exhibition.



Journey, 2024, Öl auf Nessel, 120 x 180 cm



Information about the exhibition

Period: 17 December 2024 to 19 January 2025

Opening on Sunday, 15 December 2024, 5 pm

Website: https://www.badischer-kunstverein.de/

Badischer Kunstverein